All it takes is for one female to make it into your home and lay some eggs to get a mosquito infestation started in your home. The average female’s lifespan is from 2 to 4 weeks and each one is capable of laying 600 to 1,200 eggs during their lifetime.
Mosquitoes remain in the larval stage for 4 to 14 days. Most mosquitoes cannot lay eggs until after receiving a blood meal (from biting you). Once that happens, then you have another 100 to 300 eggs being produced each week.
We work hard to prevent a mosquito infestation, but if you are already suffering from these uninvited guests, here are some tips for how to get rid of them.
Focus on entry points
If mosquitoes are hanging out near your entrance ways, use an aerosol non-repellent to get rid of them.
Non-repellent materials are those that are undetectable to pests. Because pests are unaware of their presence, many more individuals are exposed to the product, which is just what you want.
Kill the mosquitoes that are already inside
If you notice a mosquito flying around inside, do your best to track it down and swat it before it gets you.
We also love the Bug-A-Salt gun for indoor insect control.

Locate the source
Your next step is to try to locate where they are coming from so you can eliminate the source. Our experience is that mosquitoes don’t travel very far.
Potted plants are a common breeding ground for mosquitoes.

The warmer the water temperature, the faster the larva mature into adults. If that potted plant is in the sun, that tiny bit of water can warm up pretty fast!
If you have potted plants on your window sill or outdoor patios, check the saucers for mosquito larva. These are very small (approximately .125”-.25”) worms that will be wiggling around in the water. Mosquitoes must have water to propagate, so dumping out any standing water eliminates the chances of more mosquito babies.
Don’t let your home become their home
Mosquitoes like to be comfortable, just like humans do. They like to rest in cooler areas when it’s hot, such as under your home’s eaves, patio covers and in dense foliage. When it’s cold, looking to stay warm, they hide in places like your garage and other shaded areas where they can find relief from the elements. That’s why they seem to swarm inside your door right when you open it.
Mosquitoes can also thrive in an air-conditioned space. If you have a lot of mosquitoes inside your home and no open windows then you could have a breeding source inside your home. Be sure to look for any places that may have stagnant water indoors.
Check your yard
Maintaining a mosquito-free home starts with from the outside, so look for any items that may be holding standing water such as toys, playground equipment, kiddie pools, wheelbarrows, tires, etc.
Many homeowners often overlook stagnant water that is in their catch basins and drainage systems.

Standing water from a drainage issues can be difficult, expensive, lengthy to fix, but we offer a larvacide that treats the water pooling in the bottom.
Prevention is key
If mosquitoes have invaded your home, they have a comfortable climate, water for hydration, proteins from plant materials and blood meals from you, your children and your pets. So, it’s very important to get your mosquito infestation is under control first, and then work to maintain a mosquito-free home by ensuring they cannot breed.